Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Only if we could sit together.

I am often asked - 

What's the impact 

of social-emotional learning?

I want to say that,

one day,

Israel and Palestine

will be able to sit down

and share their fears.

Talk. and listen.

Listen deeply.

To find ways

to co-exist.

Those in power, 

will recognise their responsibility.

No, not that it will happen in a day.

But they will come,

To sit with each other, again.

To talk, again.

To listen, again.

And, at times,

Sit in silence.

Look into each other's eyes.

To know there's hurt

and pain

and loss.

Tears may drop down,

if they close their eyes.

That they will extend 

a napkin

to each other

and when the tears have dried,

they may argue again.

Reset some.

And repair a lot.

And then one day,

they may find that

all that mattered was 

- They sat together.

But all I say is - 

Ah well, we are building 

an evaluation framework 

that's being piloted 

in 22 schools. 

We will be able to tell you then.

#SEL #socialemotionallearning #Conflict #genocide #genocideingaza#Gaza #palestine #israel #listening #children

Saturday, December 31, 2022

बस इतना ही।


ना है इस दिन के शुरू होने की ख्वाहिश,

ना ही इसके खत्म होने का इंतजार।

बस एक छोटा सा ठहराव।

जहां कुछ चिड़ियों की हो चहचहाहट,

खिड़की में रखे पौधों के

पत्तों में हल्की सी हवा,

और थोड़ी सरसराहट,

हरे नीले पीले रंगों की खुशबू,

सांस लेने भर का समय,

और फर्श पर बिखरी कुछ कविताएं।

बस इतना ही।

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Layover

Have left from somewhere,

And yet to reach anywhere.

There's this pause, however,

In between those places.

From where I have left,

To where I am going.

What if,

This pause, 

is where I need to be?

A layover,

In between places.

Where I am not known, 

but can be.

Not seen, and yet seen.

A layover,

Where I can just sit by the side,

Watching lives being lived,

And loved.

Coffees being sipped,

Books being read,

Phones scrolled through.

Some distant laughter and chatter,

A few kids laughing and running around,

A bunch of others crying,

and being consoled,

Folks sleeping on the chairs,

Others looking around,

Just as I do.

A layover,

Where I can let the sadness 

of what, and who, I left behind, 

sink in, and be one,

with the excitement 

of who I may meet 

and what I do next.

Where this sadness,

Or excitement,

Can just be, and be seen,

Finding an endearing space,

As does the airport coffee, 

In my heart, and my body.

A layover, 

not just between flights,

But also of the time 

I am leaving behind,

To whatever may 

come next.

Saturday, January 8, 2022


कुछ अलसायी सी,
धूप और परछाइयों में लिपटी,
यूं ही पसरी हुई सुबह।

पड़ोस में दूरदर्शन पर,
चल रहे रंगोली के
गानों में भींगी हुई सुबह। 

हर पल बदलते हफ्ते भर की, 
उठा-पटक के बाद, 
एक साँस भरती सुबह। 

खोने-पाने, रोने-हसने के बीच, 
इश्क, और जिंदगी का, 
लेखा-जोखा करती सुबह