and guns,
the third largest
North American export
to the world
is you, the U.S. idealist.
You turns up
in every theater of the world:
as missionaries,
as teachers and volunteers,
the community organizer,
the economic developer,
and the vacationing do-gooders.
You define your role as service.
Actually, you frequently wind up
alleviating the damage
done by money and weapons,
or "seducing" the "underdeveloped"
to the benefits of the world
of affluence and achievement.
this is the moment
to instead bring home
to the people of the U.S.
the knowledge
that the way of life
they have chosen
simply is not
alive enough
to be shared.
Good intentions
have not much
to do with what
we are discussing here
To hell with good intentions!
No, you don't help nobody
with your good intentions.
the road to hell
is paved with good intentions,
as goes the Irish saying.
If you still want to go ahead,
close your eyes, otherwise
the facts will make it hard
for you to move.
Oh! you enlightened white american,
your sentimental concern
for the newly-discovered poverty
south of the border
combined with total blindness
to much worse poverty
at home justified
such benevolent excursions.
While Peace Corps spends
around $10,000 on you
to help you adopt
to your new environment
and to guard you
against culture shock,
how odd that nobody
ever thought
about spending money
to educate poor Mexicans
in order to prevent them
from the culture shock
of meeting you?
If you have
any sense of responsibility at all,
stay with your riots here at home.
Work for the coming elections:
you will know
what you are doing,
why you are doing it,
and how to communicate
with those to whom you speak.
And you will know when you fail.
If you insist on working with poor,
if this is your vocation,
then at least work
among the poor
who can tell you to go to hell.
it is incredibly unfair for you
to impose yourselves
on a village
where you are
so linguistically deaf and dumb
that you don't even understand
what you are doing,
or what people think of you.
And it is, profoundly
damaging to yourselves
when you define
that you want to do
as "good",
a "sacrifice",
or "help".
damages you do willy-nilly,
through your vacation-mission,
or two year exotic fellowships,
is too high a price
for the belated insight
that you shouldn't have been
there in the first place.
So, I am here
to entreat you
to use your money,
your status and your education
to travel in Latin America.
Come to look,
to climb our mountains,
to enjoy our flowers.
Come to study.
But do not come to help!
- Based on Ivan Illich's address, To Hell With Good Intention, 1968.
#Day10 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfProseToPoetry Ivan Illich #Volunteering #Charity
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