Sunday, April 16, 2017

Day 9 - Verbatim

Let’s exchange,
Our stories, our words,
Our lives, our worlds
For next ten minutes
You be me, and I be you
Let’s share our deep, dark secret
And some lighter notes
Some laughter, casual banter,
Some history and some jokes

Let’s share,
Those stories in my words
Through your voice in this world
Word by word, world by world
Verbatim, in the way it was said
in Laramie when they killed Mathew
Or ten years later
and still today

Do you hear my story, my friend?
What do you hear? And what do I?
Can you say it as you hear it?
Can I say it as I hear yours?
Let’s rise.
One by one.
And share out our stories.
You say mine. I say yours.
As if they are our own.

Let’s fill this room,
With who we are.
And what we feel.
Word by word.
World by world.

Voices, open.
"Happy. With helpful friends.
Roaming around with new girlfriend.
Cinema. Stories, Poetry and some dance.
Failed exams. Alone.
A purposeless life.
Gutless. Alert.
Bully and bullied.

Voices, fall.
"Disliked by family.
Have to prove myself to others.
Fear losing friends, shy to the core.
Orphaned. Discriminated.
Introverted. Scared.
Expressionless. Frustrated.
Battling commitment issues.
Lying to myself.
Realize each day.
Missing grandma,
who just passed way.

Voices, rise.
"Fights with mom
Fights with brother
Fights with my friends
And fights with my father.
What are these fights for?
Sometimes, over small little thing
Sometimes, they become the missing purpose.
Feels like crying, Cry I shall not.
Passion, what’s that?
Poverty. Neglect. Irritation.
angry with family
Angry with politics
Angry with self
Fuck! Angry!

Let’s open,
The windows
And our hearts.
To let air flow.
In the room
Between our walls.
Let these yellow sticky notes
be flown away
and carry a piece of our hearts
that's written on them,
now forever, into a world unknown.

But before we step out
From each other’s character
And wear our souls back,
Let’s look into our eyes - 
Do you see they are moist already, my friend?

- Based on the responses written by Apni Shala Youth Project students as part of a Verbatim Theatre activity. 

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