Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 4 - Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged!

"Where's the Christian version of ISIS," he asked.


the 400 years
of trans-atlantic slave trade 
that maimed and raped,
killed, kidnapped and enslaved,
over 20 million Africans "heathens"
to bring them to Christ?


the manifest destiny,
and what it did to Native Americans?
or the 90% of Australian Aborigines
who were wiped out
in less than a century
by Christian Europeans?


Salem Witch Trials?
the Spanish Inquisition?
Or Crusades?
Or the lord's Resistance Army
that has raped and killed 
over 100,000 Ugandans
in past 15 years
to establish Biblical law?
And by the way - not to defend -
but that's far more destructive
than ISIS, won't you say?


American white supremacists 
are identified 
as a larger terror threat 
to American security 
than Muslim extremists 
by law enforcement agencies 
and research organizations?

Read more here:


the UN reports that say,
in central Africa Republic
Christian militia 
has destroyed
every single mosque
and enforced ethnic cleansing 
on Muslims?


George Bush,
a devout Christian said, 
"God told me to invade Iraq",
and killed over 1 million civilians 
in this so called war?

Oh, brother!

There are people 
who misrepresent Qu’ran, 
but Qu’ran itself 
doesn’t produce terrorists,
just as the Bible 
didn’t produce 
the Ku Klux Klan.

You ask about ISIS,

which by the way 
is a result of that bomb 
you dropped in Iraq 
in the name of your God.
So they invoked their Allah,
with equal falsity in their intentions.

So before you would want 

any Muslim to speak for ISIS,
remember, my brother, what Jesus said,
judge not, lest ye be judged. 

- Based on Qasim Rasid's Twitter Post in response to being asked to speak for ISIS.

#Day04 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfProseToPoetry #ChristianISIS #ISIS

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