Friday, February 1, 2019

Come Out

come out,
take sides. 
neutrality doesn’t help those
who have been wronged,
historically, chronically.

come out,
join the pride,
but if can't,
that's ok too.
open your window,
drop down a rainbow drape,
or put up a sticker 
on your door.
let your car or bike,
shout out your support.
Stick up a sign of your love,
on your bag, or your wall
of the room or Facebook
or your school or your heart.

come out,
make your support visible. 
someone around you 
may be hesitant to reach out. 
your outing 
may give them a voice 
they have been seeking 
for all their life. 

come out,
talk to someone about it,
no, you don't need to know it all,
just starting the conversation is enough,
start, and let the conversation lead 
the way to your own learning.
but, start!

come out,
for that 70-year old man,
who waited for his wife to die,
to come out.
for that 17 year old,
who is struggling hard,
just to exist.

come out,
for your closets
will keep us in ours,
for our liberation
is relational;
our joy,

come out,
and let’s celebrate,
the possibility of you,
dear ally,
and that of me.