Thursday, May 11, 2017

Day 18 - King And The Naked Man

Having conquered
the Persian empire,
the young Macedonian
reaches the banks
of the river Indus.

There he finds,
A naked man
- the gymnosophist,
sitting on a rock
staring into space.

"What are you doing,"
he asks, intrigued.

"Experiencing nothingness.
What about you?"

Bursting with pride,
the king announces,
"conquering the world!"

and both laugh,
"Oh! The fool!"

- Based on a excerpt from Devdutt Patanaik's Business Sutra.

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#Day18 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfProseToPoetry #Alexander #Nothingness Devdutt Pattanaik #EastAndWest

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